"Grammatica Bengali" (Bangla Grammar)
Editing by "Libreria Bonomo Editrice" on 1st May 2008.
This is the only all-italian-language hand-book sold in the world about bangla language's learning. This grammar follows a progressive and logical method to introduce at the bangla language, from basic alphabet notions to all the hardest grammatical rules. It explaines also bengali daily life, society, culture. In appendix a huge practicle glossary
"Dizionario Bengali" (Bangla Dictionary), p 592, paperback edition, size 10,5x14,5. ISBN code 9788878871687. Editing by "Antonio Vallardi Editore" on October 2009.
This is the only complete Italian-to-Bangla, Bangla-to-Italian dictionary sold in the world. It includes 14,000 words and 38,000 translations, more a small Bangla Grammar (for italians) and a small Italian Grammar (for bengalis) practicle to learn something about those languages. Usefull for those italian who want to visit Bangladesh and West Bengal, and for those bengali who live in Italy and they need to learn correctly italian.