1a is pleased to present the first survey of Bangladesh videoart shown outside that country: entitled Videozoom Bangladesh, the initiative will be presented on Monday, May 10, 2010 at 6 pm at the Sala 1 center for international art in Rome. VIDEOZOOM: BANGLADESH VIDEOARTISTS
Curated by Tayeba Lipi – Britto Arts Trust Dhaka

Monday May 10, 2010
6 p.m
Sala 1 – Centro Internazionale d’Arte Contemporanea (Scala Santa/Padri Passionisti) Piazza di Porta S. Giovanni, 10 – Roma
T. 06. 7008691 I
Monday-Saturday I 4.30-7.30 pm I Sundays by appointment Closes May 17, 2010
Videozoom Bangladesh, produced thanks to the support and patronage of the Embassy of the Republic of Bangladesh in Rome, is curated by aritst Tayeba Lipi, co-founder of the Britto Arts Trust in Dhaka, active since 2002 in the field of contemporary art of the region, organizing workshops, artists residences, education and international documentaries as well as a role in the Dhaka Biennale of Asian Art. After survey exhibitions involving videoart from Spain, Iran, China, Morocco, Poland, San Marino and Israel, this 8th edition of Videozoom is dedicated to Bangladesh. It will show videoworks by a selection of both well-known and emerging Bangladesh artists who illustrate the various aspects of their country: contemporary, extremely dynamic and well-informed, and underlining the tensions typical of a society in transition. Present at the opening will be the representatives of the Embassy of Bangladesh as well as various organizations representing the Bangladesh community in Italy. The exhibition will be presented by Ambassador Masud Bin Momen and a brief conference by the artist Mahbubur Rahman, founder of the Britto Arts Trust who will introduce the works produced by the invited artists Promotesh Das Pulak, Tayeba Begum Lipi, Mahbubur Rahman, Molla Sagar, Reaz Hossain and Imran Hossain Piplu.